Supplemental Lessons and other resources


Video Topics

Below are a series of short videos where I practice working through these problems myself and talking as I go along.

Basic Addition (done by hand!)

This is my first lesson where I am just trying to get used to using my new drawing tablet. The cursor is difficult to see in this one so I apologize for that.

Click here to watch (opens in a new tab)

Reading a Tape Measure

This section is broken down into two parts. part 1 is where I read a location and label where it is on the tape measure and Part 2 gives locations with arrows and I go through and write the precise location of each one. See if you can catch my mistake!

Click here to watch Part 1 (opens in a new tab)

Click here to watch Part 2 (opens in a new tab)

Converting Lengths and Distances

This topic is my first attempt at explaining the different metric measurements and how to convert from a length written in terms of one unit to expressing that same distance in another. The first part covers just the basics before getting into examples in Part 2

Click here to watch the basics (opens in a new tab)

Click here to watch the example conversions (opens in a new tab)

Converting Areas

This topic is a basic continuation of looking at what we learned in the previous section on measuring and converting distances.

Click here to watch (opens in a new tab)

Mortar Mixing

This lesson was a bit of a disaster but I still recorded it to get reps in. I broke it into two parts where I start figuring it out on the fly (without any reference material) but then I looked at the way Scott teaches it (which is way faster) and I go back and show how that method works, arriving at the same final answer.

Click here to watch me struggle through Part 1 (opens in a new tab)

Click here to watch part 2 (opens in a new tab)


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